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The Trinity

CofE Primary Academy

With faith we live, learn and grow together


We try our hardest in all we do.


We treat others how we would like to be treated.


We are fair.


We treat everyone with kindness.


We are brave in the face of new challenges.


We listen and forgive each other in order to move forward.

How to protect your child on their smart phone

For many parents, the convenience of knowing where their kids are at all times is more than enough to warrant the price of a smart phone. In fact, a solid 90% of children under the age of 16 in the UK have a mobile. But as with anything else, smart phones come with both their pros and their cons, and when you’re talking about kids, the issue gets even trickier.


From cyber bullying to inappropriate web content, being able to contact strangers, being able to rack up hefty cell phone bills, all these things come to mind when we start thinking about the dangers of impressionable kids using a mobile. And truth be told, those dangers do exist. There’s no avoiding the fact that you do run a risk by giving your child a mobile.


Click on the image below to find  information, advice and support about how best to keep your children safe. 
