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The Trinity

CofE Primary Academy

With faith we live, learn and grow together


We try our hardest in all we do.


We treat others how we would like to be treated.


We are fair.


We treat everyone with kindness.


We are brave in the face of new challenges.


We listen and forgive each other in order to move forward.

School Council

School Council

Why do we need a school council?

  • Everyone is an important part of our school. Everyone should have a say in how it is run
  • Everyone has a right to be listened to and express their opinions
  • Children have some great ideas
  • Children might notice things that need changing of which adults aren’t aware
  • Adults don’t always have the answers, children can help them to see things differently
  • Children can help make our school better


What does a school councillor do?

  • Go to school council meetings and take part in discussions
  • Let their class know what was discussed at the meetings
  • Listen to people in their class and take their views to the school council meetings
  • Get involved with projects which are run by the school council


What qualities are we looking for in school councillor?

  • A good listener and speaker
  • A team player
  • Interested to learn more about our school
  • Keen to make a contribution to improving our school
  • Able to represent the views of others in your year group
  • Able and willing to speak to your class about the Council
  • Willing to give up some of your own time to this post
  • Has lots of good ideas
  • Sets a good example to others

