2017 results
Early Years Foundation Stage
In 2017, 70% of our reception children achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD). The national average in 2017 was 71%.
Our results are broken down into the following groups and areas of learning:
Key Stage 1
Cohort Size = 26 children
In 2017 the Trinity was visited by 2 Wiltshire Local Authority moderators to validate the end of Key Stage 1 judgements.
The Trinity's outcomes for the end of KS1 in 2017 were as follows:
KS1 Expected Standard | Reading | Writing | Maths |
School | 77% | 73% | 73% |
National | 76% | 68% | 75% |
KS1 Greater Depth Standard | Reading | Writing | Maths |
School | 42% | 19% | 23% |
National | 25% | 16% | 21% |
Key Stage 2
Cohort Size = 27 children
The Trinity's outcomes for the end of KS2 SAT results 2017 were as follows:
KS2 Expected Standard | Reading | Writing | Maths | GPS |
R,W,M Combined |
School | 63% | 85% | 48% | 52% | 41% |
National | 71% | 76% | 75% | 77% | 61% |
KS2 Higher Standard | Reading | Writing | Maths | GPS |
R,W,M Combined |
School | 15% | 11% | 19% | 11% | 4% |
National | 25% | 18% | 23% | 31% | 9% |
Derived Scaled Score KS2 SATS |
Reading | Maths | GPS |
School | 101 | 101 | 101 |
National | 104 | 104 | 106 |
Progress Measure KS1 to KS2 | Reading | Writing | Maths |
School | +2.9 | +5.1 | +2.4 |
National Floor Standards 2017 | -5 | -7 | -5 |