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The Trinity

CofE Primary Academy

With faith we live, learn and grow together


We try our hardest in all we do.


We treat others how we would like to be treated.


We are fair.


We treat everyone with kindness.


We are brave in the face of new challenges.


We listen and forgive each other in order to move forward.


Uniform with the School Logo


Clothing with the The Trinity Primary Academy logo (i.e. sweatshirt and cardigan) is available from Scholars in Devizes, who also provide a free delivery service to the school during term time.

School Uniform


  • Grey tailored trousers / shorts

  • Grey skirt / pinafore

  • Turquoise school sweatshirt / cardigan

  • White polo shirt

  • Yellow / white gingham dress for the summer term

  • Sensible, dark coloured shoes – not trainers or long boots (ankle boots acceptable); in summer, sandals are acceptable provided they are closed toe sandals, fastened around the ankle (no flipflops / open toes)


  • Sunhats are recommended for the summer term (protecting your child from the harmful effects of the sun is a priority here. Sun cream is to be administered by parents before school, if required)


PE Clothing


For indoor and summer outdoor activities the children should wear:


  • Plain  black shorts

  • White round neck t-shirt


For outdoor games during autumn or spring, all pupils require the items listed above plus:


  • Plain black tracksuit bottoms

  • Plain black sweatshirt or tracksuit top

  • Suitable flat soled, lace up (or Velcro) trainers


For safety reasons, earrings should not be worn during PE lessons and long hair should be tied back.


All items of clothing must be clearly named so that in the event of them being mislaid they can be returned to the child.


Any unnamed lost property items will be placed on the lost property box in school.  Children may check this box themselves or parents may ask at the office if they wish to look through the unnamed items. Shared spaces should be cleared at the end of each term and personal belongings should not be left in school during the holiday periods.

Pre-loved uniform 


Our PTFA will be running a pre-loved uniform sale each half-term. Prices and information to follow. This will be low-cost to parents. 

If you have any uniform which your child has grown out of we would welcome any donations. 
