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The Trinity

CofE Primary Academy

With faith we live, learn and grow together


We try our hardest in all we do.


We treat others how we would like to be treated.


We are fair.


We treat everyone with kindness.


We are brave in the face of new challenges.


We listen and forgive each other in order to move forward.


Taking your child out of school during term time may harm your child's academic progress.


Schools may agree absence in exceptional circumstances with consideration being given to pupil's attendance, attainment and public examinations but this is not a legal right.  Each case will be considered on its merits.  The following circumstances would be considered exceptional:


  • for service personnel and other employees who are prevented from taking leave of absence outside term time at any point in the academic year;

  • when a family needs to spend time together to support each other during or after a crisis 

Absences may only be authorised at the discretion of the Headteacher.  Applications must be made well in advance and not left to the last minute assuming permission will be given.  Any absence must be requested on a leave of absence form which should be given to the Headteacher for authorisation.


Circumstances which are notified to the school after a leave of absence has taken place will not be considered.  Therefore please be certain to provide details of the special circumstances relating to your application and attach any supporting evidence at the time of application.


If approval is not granted and the absence still taken, it will be regarded as unauthorised.  Where total unauthorised absences amount to 10 or more sessions (1 school day = 2 sessions) the school will notify the Education Welfare Service and a Penalty Notice will be issued by the Local Authority to each parent for each child named on the notification.


Examples of circumstances in which a holiday cannot be authorised are:

  • availability of cheap holidays;

  • available of desired accommodation;

  • poor weather in the school holiday here in our country;

  • overlap with the beginning or end of term;

  • convenience.


Attendance Rewards

  • As part of Celebration Worship each Friday we reveal the class who has the highest attendance that week. This class will receive 5 minutes extra play. 

  • If a child has 100% attendance across a term then they will receive 10 house points. These get added to the house point total for the term. 

  • At the end of the year the class who have won the weekly attendance the most get a special reward. This could be ice lollies or an afternoon outside playing games outside. The class get to choose what they prefer!



Class Attendance Rewards


As a part of our on-going commitment to improving attendance for all, each week we celebrate the class with the highest attendance. The class receive a certificate the hold the attendance trophy for the week. They also are rewarded with 5 minutes extra play. Their class leaf is then added to the attendance display so it is visible to see which class have the best attendance. At the end of the academic year, the class with the best attendance receive a whole class reward.

Copies of documents can be obtained from the school office free of charge.
