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The Trinity

CofE Primary Academy

With faith we live, learn and grow together


We try our hardest in all we do.


We treat others how we would like to be treated.


We are fair.


We treat everyone with kindness.


We are brave in the face of new challenges.


We listen and forgive each other in order to move forward.

Handwriting at the Trinity

How We Teach Handwriting at The Trinity Primary Academy


Here at The Trinity Primary Academy, we want our children to feel proud of their learning and want to share their ideas, thoughts and knowledge. Having neat legible handwriting fosters a sense of pride in their learning, allows others to read their learning and supports error corrections.


Handwriting starts in Early Years, where the children are taught to sit at a table and hold a pencil correctly.


This continues into Key Stage One, where correct letter formation is taught across the curriculum, especially within phonics and where appropriate discrete handwriting lessons using the Letter-join handwriting scheme. 


In Key Stage Two, children are taught handwriting discretely everyday using the Letter-join handwriting scheme.


From Key Stage One, we teach the cursive letter formation using "letter families", the cursive joins are taught from Year Two.
