SEND and Inclusion
SEND Intent, Implementation and Impact
Paper copies of any documents can be obtained from the school office free of charge.
The Trinity CE Primary Academy is committed to providing a high quality education for all the children in our school. We believe that all children have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them, and to be fully included in all aspects of school life. All children can make outstanding progress and we move each child from their individual starting points. We have high expectations of all children. Regardless of ability, every child’s progress is regularly checked and any child who appears to be stuck is acknowledged and enabled to move forward again.
The Trinity CE Primary Academy SEND Information Report
This utilises the LA Local Offer to meet the needs of SEN pupils as determined by school policy, and the provision that the school is able to meet. This document provides answers to a variety of questions parents have asked regarding what support our school can provide for your child. If you have a question that is not answered in our ‘SEN Information Report’, or require further information, please contact our special needs co-ordinator (SENCo) Mrs Becky Owens by telephoning the school on 01380 730203.